General FAQs about Little Voices lessons
We deliberately keep our class sizes very small as we believe this is the best way for children to progress & get the most out of our programme. Numbers vary slightly, depending on local factors, so contact your local Little Voices for information about classes in your area.
Our Mini Voices lessons are 30 – 45 minutes long, and Voices & Little Voices sessions are 45 – 60 minutes long (depending on the venue).
Little Voices uniform is compulsory at all our classes and should be worn every week.
Your child will receive both a polo shirt & sweatshirt when they join Little Voices as part of their enrolment fee.
They should also wear comfortable trousers or leggings that they can move around in, and shoes that are suitable for movement, such as trainers or dance shoes.
We all take great pride in wearing our uniform. It’s a great leveller, and we find that when children put on their Little Voices top, they get an immediate sense of ‘belonging’ and feel part of a very special club.
It’s also a psychological indicator that it’s time to put everything else behind them and focus on their Little Voices lesson.
Plus it takes the stress out of deciding what they should wear!
No, just ensure that they’re wearing sensible clothing, and make sure they bring a bottle of water.
Having spectators there can be distracting both for your child, and also for the other children, so we don’t allow parents or carers in the teaching room while the lesson is taking place.
No we don’t, we only teach in term times. However, in the school holidays we regularly run workshops/theatre weeks. Your local office will let you know about these well in advance.
FAQs about enrolling in Little Voices
Every child is welcome to apply for a free trial lesson (T&Cs apply).
Please contact your local office, who’ll be happy to find out more about your son or daughter to find the right class for them to try.
The enrolment pack is full of information about Little Voices, payment & uniform, along with essential health & safety documents for you to fill in and return to your local office.
FAQs about LAMDA exams
They should wear their Little Voices uniform with black trousers or leggings, and black pumps.
If they have long hair, please make sure it’s tied back and off their face.
The exams really are nothing to worry about. We practice every aspect over and over with your child so that they feel completely comfortable.
Communication Exam
- Your child will walk into the exam room with a toy, photograph or book of their choice, and introduce themselves and their poem.
- They’ll recite their poem
- They’ll then sit down and have a friendly chat with the examiner about their chosen object. They’ll need to be able to answer questions and create appropriate conversations with the examiner.
Group Musical Theatre Exam
- Your child will walk into the exam room with their props and an accompanist to play the music.
- They’ll state their name and the name of their performance
- They’ll then perform their exam piece
Duo Acting Exam/Solo Acting Exam/Solo Musical Theatre Exam/Duo Musical Theatre Exam
- The children will each state their name and the name of their performance
- They’ll then perform their exam piece
- They will then sit with the examiner and answer specific questions from the syllabus
QCA-accredited points are gained at Grades 6, 7 and 8 by our older pupils. The higher the mark gained in the exam, the more points your child will receive.
If your child is applying for university, these points can sometimes count towards their UCAS points; and because they’re highly respected, they can also be used in their own right on your child’s personal statement.