Have you seen the new Cinderella film?
Have you been to see it? What did you think as a parent and what was the reaction from your child?
It is interesting how many times a story can be reinvented and reworked for the enjoyment of the masses. It is also so interesting how many different mediums the story can be portrayed through! There are pantomimes, stage performances, films, books etc. and all about the same story. It is really amazing.
I haven’t been yet but intend to have a trip our next weekend to see it. I prefer to go to the cinema when it is less busy and I can enjoy the film without sweets rustling, children talking, popcorn in the seat, people walking to the toilet and mobile phone lights on adults’ phones that are uninterested in the movie. Cinema etiquette is so important and as it is lacking in cinemas, theatre etiquette is completely lacking!
What frustrates you when you go to the cinema or the theatre and what would you include in Little Voices 10 top tips for cinema and theatre etiquette for children?
We would love to hear from you.