Do your dreams seem impossible?

Jane 1


Do your dreams seem impossible? What are your dreams?

Answer those two questions! Why do they seem impossible? Remember the only thing that you are in control of is YOU. You cannot control anyone or anything else. You can only change your reaction to someone or a situation.

I learnt this the hard way. Being a performer, singer, all round drama queen from being a child my initial reaction was always to rise to everything that got in my way in my early adulthood. Every situation was a drama. However this did not serve me well going through a marriage breakup, being heavily pregnant at the time and finding a way to survive financially, mentally and emotionally.

I will share with you what I learnt and how I coped and this is absolutely the truth, I focussed on what was most important to me. The most important thing in my world was my daughter. She was everything to me, as every parent will know too well, and her happiness and lifestyle had to be right. The success of my new business in 2007 when she was only 3 months old was the only thing that would give us our future. One fed the other and each were incredibly necessary for me to cope with the emotional distress that I went through and to emerge fighting on towards my goals.

I could either sit, be upset, fight a battle with my husband that had no future, despite how I felt in my heart because I couldn’t change him, or I could brush myself down and immediately plough myself into the future and achieving my goals. No one else was going to do it for me, everything else had to stop. Don’t get me wrong I still closed the door most nights and broke my heart, I felt lonely and I really struggled to function at the weekends without my amazing family and friends. However in my teaching room, in my customer service role to parents and to every person who met me I had my face on and I was digging deep to achieve success. It is funny because Grace who now works in Head Office at Little Voices was one of my pupils all of those years ago and it wasn’t until she had been working with me a while that she discovered all that I had been going through at the time she was a pupil – she said that that was testament to a professional who kept it all away from work – I say that perhaps its testament to my acting skills – haha!!

The one night a week business that I started in 2007 alongside all of my other work, jobs and ways of making ends meet and with my tiny baby so reliant on me flourished and still runs successfully today as our flagship franchise model. I now pride myself on mentoring and supporting others to achieve success with their franchises, acquiring all of the right business acumen, marketing and support that is needed.

Hold on to your dreams is the moral of all this I guess. I did and it has paid off.

So if YOU have dreams and aspirations and YOU want something it is down to YOU to get it. And with this mentality You will achieve success. I have no doubt and have seen it happen again and again. We have to make choices for us, this is not a selfish act (I am told I am the least selfish person that people know) putting yourself first and ensuring you do what is right for you long term is the only things that will enable you to make big changes, achieve great things and reach your personal goals. No one else is going to do it! And there will be so many people and situations that will get in your way. They will only get in your way if YOU let them!


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