How Little Voices helps with home schooling

According to a report by the BBC in February 2022, the number of parents choosing to home school their children increased by 34% in England over the previous 2 years (i.e. since the start of the pandemic).

And a more recent report in The Independent (4th January 2023) puts today’s figure even higher at 40%.

Extracurricular activities are an important part of every child’s emotional and social development, and those who are home-schooled generally have fewer opportunities to socialise with their friends and peers.

The Home Schooling Association states that: “Home schooling can be lonely for children. Developing a balanced extracurricular schedule will help them to make friends and learn new skills in music, art, or sport.”

Little Voices fits in with a home schooling environment

Children who are home-schooled can benefit massively from our drama and singing classes that all follow the unique Little Voices concept.

Lucy, who runs Little Voices in Bexley, told us:

“When I first opened our classes back in 2017, home schooling wasn’t something I had come across too much. But the first 2 pupils to sign up with us were home-schooled, and from then we went on to recruit several more children who were all educated at home. At one point, 25% of our pupils were home-educated.

“Little Voices fits in perfectly with a home schooling environment: our small class sizes help children form close friendships; and we take a patient, focused approach to learning, which is similar to what they’re used to when they’re educated at home.

“I’ve had fantastic feedback from our families who home school to say that they wish all educational settings were like our classes!”

Trialling daytime classes for children who are home-educated

While children who are educated at home happily join their non home-schooled friends in our usual Little Voices classes that take place mid-week after school, some of our franchisees offer the option of classes that run during the day.

One of these is Little Voices Mid Kent, who for the past 10 months have been running a mixed-age class that takes place each Wednesday during term time between 1.30pm – 3.30pm.

Jess, our Little Voices Mid Kent franchisee, said: “This group is still in its infancy, but we already have wonderful students who have all grown in confidence over the last few months, which has been a joy to witness.”

Help with social skills

Seven-year old Sienna is home-schooled and has been attending Little Voices classes in Fylde for the past 20 months. This is what her mum, Rachel, told us.


“I saw Little Voices advertised on Facebook, on a group post about classes that were running at the local village hall.

“Sienna is really interested in performing and singing, so this was perfect for her. I also wanted her to attend more groups so she can socialise with other children near her age.

“Not only has Sienna made some really good friends at Little Voices, but she thoroughly enjoys each and every lesson. She can’t wait to go each week, and it’s great that she’s having fun while also developing skills she wouldn’t get to develop anywhere else.

“Being in a group setting, and having a teacher other than myself to lead her in activities, has definitely helped her. And being able to share her news with the other children in the class every week is a big thing for her, too.

“Sienna has always been quite confident in making new friends, but since coming to Little Voices she not only feels more confident about speaking in front of other people, but she also believes in herself a lot more. And her first LAMDA exam was such a good experience for her!”

Confidence, friendships, and learning

Jess is home-educated and attends Little Voices Hertfordshire. Her mum told us:

“Your classes have helped Jess grow in confidence, as well as form some lovely friendships with the other pupils in her group. It also helps Jess’ learning in so many areas, such as public speaking, listening, reading, comprehension, art & design, music, creative writing, and teamwork. Her Little Voices class is the highlight of Jess’ week!”

At Little Voices, the 2 beliefs that underpin everything we do is that EVERY child has something amazing to share, and EVERY child deserves the opportunity to be the best that they can be.

And we work incredibly hard to create an environment where children feel safe and happy – because that’s when the Little Voices magic happens, and children flourish and shine!

If you’re home schooling your child and are interested in finding out how Little Voices can help enrich their social lives, as well as their education, visit our website to find your nearest venue and book a free trial class.